Spring Time and time management!
This year as the season begins to change from winter to spring , I’ve found myself thinking very profoundly about time and how to incorporate more discipline with time management !
One thing recently that made me smile from ear to ear and stop a while when I heard it , was a student saying after SupYoga class how she felt you needed to be present in every inch of your being in order to stay balanced on your board, that the smallest of muscle movements in parts of your body you don’t necessarily regularly use matter due to the fluid movement of the water beneath your board, thus making it fairly impossible to be distracted from the practice! .. Wow , I was captivated by the moment , that is exactly it I thought, she totally gets this amazing practice!
Then when the boards were all out of the water, I looked up at the clock to check the time and realised I needed to put a ‘spurt on’! (as one of my dearest friends often says) Thinking about things I hadn’t finished doing yesterday, what I needed to start doing today and just like Alice in wonderlands white rabbit , there I was again running late ! ..
Perhaps it comes with age, and certainly its one of the many reasons I love and need to practice yoga regularly , but I think I may finally have woken up to how quickly time passes and what’s more how precious it is . We can so often spend time rushing struggling to find enough hours in the day , that before we know it it’s gone.
We surely have a responsibility to ourselves to make our time matter.
Inevitably there will always be some days that run away with us , but perhaps trying to make those the exception and not the rule is something to strive for this season , if you also sometimes get hijacked by the White Rabbit ! 🐇
This beautiful poem from the Prophet by Kahlil Gibran is one of my favourites -
On Time -
And an astronomer said , Master , what of Time ? And he answered :
You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable .
You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons .
Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch it’s flowing .
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream .
And that that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the bounds of that first moment which scattered the stars into space .
Who among you does not feel that his power to love is boundless?
And yet who does not feel that very love , though boundless, encompassed within the centre of his being , and moving not from love thought to love thought , nor from love deeds to other love deeds ?
And is not time even as love is , undivided and paceless ?
But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons , let each season encircle all other seasons ,
And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing .