Gwyn Williams @gwynzenthai Zenthaishiatsu Workshops
Saanen /Gstaad June 18th & 19th 2025
Classes 2025
1. We way we do one thing is the way we do everything
This is the first principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life .
Distraction is a thief that steals our life force by destabilising our inner centre.
Can we pay attention to what we are paying attention to? Can we fully occupy each moment with a fierce and articulate presence?
In this class we will focus on the legs , pelvis and sacroiliac joint as a way to stabilise our body, both physically and energetically. Stand with a empowered solidarity that cannot be provoked .
“ What are you broadcasting right now “
2. Empty empty -Happy Happy
This is the second principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life .
This class is asking us to courageously let go of old stories and beliefs that have us imprisoned in the past, fixated patterns and old worn out beliefs.
Can we release the grip around our wanting and grasping ?
Can we invite a full exhale to allow a new way- full of simplicity and vitality .
It this class we will explore the vitality available through correct breathing , simple exercises to empower our posture and discover ways to build our immunity.
“ The less you want the more you have “
3. Stay Curious
This is the third principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life .
Flight , fight and freeze are fear based mechanisms that can dictate our life . Our Fear is the breadcrumbs on the path.
Can we look our fears in the eye withe a child like innocence ?
Can awe and wonderment start enhancing our lives rather than fear suffocating it?
Can we begin being invested the creativity available in a world we don’t know ?
In this class we will understand ways our adrenals can deregulate our body , explore the kidneys as a way to strengthen our lower back and slow down as an intelligent means to build life force .
“ In is the way out “
4 . Be a benevolent presence for each other
This is the fourth principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life .
“ Kindness is my religion “ said the Dalia Lama .
Being completely obsessed with one’s own needs and wants doesn’t allow us to make the valuable contributions to our planet and the people.
Waking up in a messy world allows a new found power and insight towards what is possible when we widen our perspective and activate our generosity.
In this class, we will explore movement therapy in the shoulder and hip joints , the importance of not moving in rigid, fixed patterns and discover new pathways of the mind and body.
“ We can limit our possibilities to fit our mind or expand our mind to fit the possibilities “
5. Believe in yourself
This is the fifth principle from Gwyn’s new book - 5 principles of an Undivided Life .
Everything powerful that has happened in this world, evolved from someone putting their entire heart into it. Passion is contagious and transforming .
The amount of negative vibes that circulates our planet can lead to a sense of hopelessness and despondency . We can unconsciously take a protective stance .
WE are all here to destroy the negative , stand in the light and reinvent the day. The words we speak , the way we stand and the’ Yes we have to life ‘ .. is all our choice ..
In this class we will ignite a ‘Yes’ within our entire body , use our hands as extensions of our heart and open the front of our body to soften our back .
“ Those who live passionately teach us how to love. Those who love passionately teach us how to live “ Sarah Ban Breathnach
2025 Bio
Gwyn Williams is a movement based therapist that created Zenthai shiatsu over 25 years ago. On the surface, Zenthai is a fusion of Zen shiatsu, Thai massage and osteopathic technique, however beneath is an enriched conversation with an vibrant ever-changing life. The dissolving of division into unity continues to be his inspiration and the aspects of community, connection and contribution are at the core of the practice.
Whilst many have been touched by the therapist programs and the multi layered offerings , the art has evolved to now include a fluid movement based practice known as Zenthai flow.
For the past two and a half decades Gwyn has inspired thousands of students throughout the world with his continually evolving form , which is based around Thich Nhat Hanh’s
“When you touch something with awareness you touch everything “
Gwyn's work can be explored through his books’ The Zen of touch ' 'Connection to Source”, and “Ripples to Waves”
Also - the website or the Zenthai healing centres in Australia and Bali.
Click the below links to view more:CLICK HERE
Contact me directly for this years pricing and booking!
Tuesday July 9th
Next month I will be offering my first workshop @forellensee-gstaad-zweisimmen, for both on water and land yoga practices to help enhance your sense of inner calm strength and balance .
If you don’t already know the venue it’s a beautiful small nature reserve lake with lovely clear and still water located on the left as you drive in towards Zweisimmen from direction Bern or right as you drive down from Gstaad. They also have a fantastic lakeside Yurt that converts into a perfect snug round Yoga Shala !
There are so many benefits to practicing yoga on water, enhancing balance stability strength, and creating a greater sense of proprioception. All of which are heightened when outside in amongst nature, where you can breathe in fresh air whilst floating into the best Savasana ever!
Balance board yoga can be a perfect ‘on land’ complement to Supyoga or an alternative if you’re not so fond of water. The @strobelwalter boards we use are beautifully handmade with solid wood tops and bowed bases which replicate a little the gentle wobble movement of water, thus giving many of the same benefits particularly strength, maybe even more than a paddle board due to the resistant solid wooden surface, a few chaturangas on a balance board is definitely as good if not better than a gym workout!
Restorative Yoga is the perfect complement to both of these practices, utilising bolsters, blocks, belts and blankets, helping to relax and release tightened muscles and cultivating a wonderful sense of calm.
This workshop will be on Tuesday July 9th from 14.00-17.00 , will include lake Supyoga and land Balance Board duets, mid afternoon break with home made cake and yogi tea! Followed by a collective Restorative yoga practice in the Yurt to close .
Price per person CHF90
I would be really delighted if you can come and join me for this, just email to book your place .
Basel Workshop
If your in the Basel area I will be offering a morning Yoga for Womens Health workshop, on Sunday February 5th 2023 10.00-12.30 at GymnasticStudio , Rudolfstrasse 20, Basel, where I will be introducing Yoga Syncopations in more detail as well as looking at practices to support women’s hormonal health from peri through to post menopause.
For booking information please just contact me directly by email ( or on my Swiss no. 0797720134
Menopause Yoga Workshop Series
beginning Sunday 14th August 09.30-12.00
I was very proud earlier this year to have graduated from one of the most incredibly valuable courses I have done in recent years. This amazing group of fellow yoga teachers came together to learn from Petra Coveney-@menopause_yoga, on her groundbreaking course that she developed to help guide women through their menopause journey. A subject that until fairly recently was either not discussed at all or if it was, rather too briefly ! Thank goodness however this is now changing and women globally are coming together to open up this much needed discussion, and further more women like Petra Coveney and Dr Louise Newson-@menopause_doctor, are creating tools through practices like yoga, Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, alongside conventional modern medicine like hormone replacement therapy, which having had a bad name for so long due to one study over 20 yrs ago, is now so diverse and sophisticated that there are many accessible options for women to try .
Workshop 1 will be a generic introduction into how specific yoga practices can help various stages of menopause and beyond . Then each following workshop will focus on specific stages and corresponding practices .
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions and more information about booking your place.
Yoga/Pilates weekend workshops with @arletteburkhardtpilates @ladresse_fit studios Muri
Next dates; Saturday November 6th
If you would like to join us for our next combined Yoga/Pilates weekend workshop please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or Arlette for more information/ book your place, and we look forward very much to welcoming you.