New Awakenings
A year down the line from when COVID 19 came along and impacted our lives in ways we could never before have imagined , we may all be thinking differently now about how we live in the world . Much of it out of necessity, living with endless restrictions may come with a fight or flight response of how to handle what the ‘powers that be’ are asking of us .
I have to be honest, my initial internal reaction can be to first fight then take flight against such things, particularly when I feel trapped and unable to be free . That along with being a Pisces ♓️😄is one of the many reasons why the practice of Yoga is such a vital tool for me !
Having been introduced to Yoga to help heal damaged parts of my body, it has taken time to realise the equally healing benefits for my mind, and now more than ever I find an internal practice to be vital .
We hear so much now about spirituality and the power of our minds, and it is so true that like our physical asana practice meditation also needs to be practiced almost habitually. To then cultivate a place in our minds where we feel free, can open up space for us to truly tap in to the very essence of who we are and realise that our life here on earth is full of endless possibilities!
We are also for the most part sociable creatures who can thrive in amongst a supportive community .
Undoubtedly what we’ve been seeing all around us this last year amongst the global medical community particularly, is a testament to how hard people will fight to save each other in times of extreme difficulty. It has been such a humbling illustration of our common goal to survive and ultimately thrive, but we do need each other to do so well.
There is perhaps indeed a global awakening now taking place, moving us towards a world where we will return to living in harmony with each other and begin to regenerate our beautiful fertile planet 🌎
The link below is for a film I recently watched that is both as beautiful as it is inspiring 🙏